About WCSC
(World Community Service Centre)
Shri Vethathri Maharishi
(Founder of WCSC)
Vethathiri Maharishi founded The World Community Service Centre (WCSC) in 1958 to bring peace in society through peace in the individual. Society is made up of individual human beings. Hence, peace must emanate from individuals, then permeate the family, and then to the society at large. Ultimately world peace will blossom.
Vethathiri Maharishi has visited foreign countries on many occasions and has taught extensively in U.S.A., Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, Democratic Republic of Korea and Japan. He also had spoken at the United Nations in the year of 1974 about the importance of Spiritual education for the development of mankind and world peace. More than millions of people around the world have benefited by practicing his philosophy and technique of the SKY system.
He has lived and taught his Philosophy for almost 55 years in simple, rational language, using modern terms so that it could be understood by the majority. Ultimately, through dedication of mind, anyone could experience the subjective phenomena life- force, mind and Truth. Through his own realization of Truth, he synthesized and expounded the philosophies of Universal magnetism, bio-magnetism, evolution of universe, evolution of living beings and Unified force theory (Vethathiri Model of Universe).